Frank H. Hsu

Professor of Physics

Department of Physics & Astronomy
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. 30303
Tel: (404) 463-9908
Fax: (404) 651-1427



B. S. - Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan - 1959

M. S. - Physics, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. - 1964

Ph.D. - Physics, Columbia University, New York, N. Y. - 1967

Research Interests: Positron Annihilation

A state-of-the-art positron annihilation lifetime spectrometer allows measurements of lifetimes as short as 0.2 nsec to to an accuracy of better than 0.01 nsec. Output data are automatically stored, and can be printed, plotted or transferred to a P.C for analysis. This apparatus allows inverstigations of samples under various physical conditions including a wide range of temperatures.

Other instrumentation in this laboratory includes a high- resolution Ge detector and a helium refrigeratory system which can be used to perform experiment in the temperature range 10 K to 400 K.


Physics 1112, Spring 2004      Physics 2212, Spring, 2000

Physics 8100, Fall, 1999           Physics 8110, Spring, 1999

Activities after retirement since Summer, 2000



Theses Directed

Colloquia Presented

National Taiwan University

Columbia University

Georgia State University

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