Frank H. Hsu


1. "The Decay of Br82," F. H. Hsu and C. S. Wu, Nuclear Physics A94, 205 (1967).

2. "Correlation Between Decay Lifetime and Angular Distribution of Positron Annihilation in the Plastic Scintillator Naton," F. H. Hsu and C. S. Wu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 18, 889 (1967).

3. "The Use of a Helium Refrigerator for Mossbauer Studies," Y. W. Chow, E. S. Greenbaum, R. H. Howes, F. H. Hsu, P. H. Swerdlow and C. S. Wu, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 66, 177 (1968).

4. "Mossbauer Effect Following Coulomb Excitaton Measurements of Electric Quodrupole Moment Ratios in the First Excited 2+ States of W182, 184, 186," Y. W. Chow, E. S. Greenbaum, R. H. Howes, F. H. Hsu, P. H. Swerdlow and C. S. Wu, Phys. Lett. 30B,171 (1969).

5. "Positron Annihilation in Irradiated Acetyl Methionine," J. H. Hadley, Jr. and F. H. Hsu, Chem. Phys. Lett. 7, 465 (1970).

6. "Positron Annihilation in Gamma-Irradiated KC ," W. C. Mallard and F. H. Hsu, Proc. Second International Positron Annihilation, (Kingston, Ontario, 1971), pp. 2.1-2

7. "Effects of Impurities on Positron Annihilation in KC ," F. H. Hsu, W. C. Mallard, and  J. H. Hadley, Jr., Proc. Second International Positron Annihilation Conference, (Kingston, Ontario, 1971), pp. 2.12-2.20.

8. "Inhibition of Positronium Formation by Free Radicals in Organic Solids," J. H. Hadley, Jr.and F. H. Hsu, Proc. Second International Positron Annihilation Conference, (Kingston, Ontario), pp. 3.201-3.207.

9. "Positron Annihilation in Irradiated Teflon," F. H. Hsu and J. H. Hadley, Jr., Phys. Lett. 34A, 317 (1971).

10. "Inhibition of Positronium Formation in an Irradiated Organic Solid," J. H. Hadley, Jr., and F. H. Hsu, Chem Phys. Letters 12, 291 (1971).

11. "Comment on a Note on the Vector Potential of a Magnetic Dipole," F. H. Hsu, Am. J. Phys. 40, 492 (1972).

12. "Role of Positive Ion Vacancies and F Centers on Positron Annihilation in KC ," W. C. Mallard and F. H. Hsu, Phys. Letters 38A, 164 (1972).

13. "Positron Annihilation in Gamma-Irradiated Pure and Mg-doped LiF," F. H. Hsu, W. C. Mallard and J. K. Fu, Appl. Phys. 4, 75 (1974).

14. "Effect of Vk Centers on Positron Annihilation in KC and Ag-doped KC ," F. H. Hsu, W. C. Mallard, and J. H. Hadley, Jr., Appl. Phys. 4, 83 (1974).

15. "The Effects of Impurities and Gamma Radiation on Positron Annihilation in  Phenanthrene," F. H. Hsu, M. O. Robinson, and R. H. Hankla, Phys. Lett. 55A, 69 (1975).

16. "Positron Annihilation in Deformed MgO," F. H. Hsu and W. C. Mallard, Fourth International Conference on Positron Annihilation (Helsingor, Denmark, 23-26 Aug.1976) Part 2, F7 (pp. 31-36).

17. "Positron Annihilation in Gamma-Irradiated Polystyrene," F. H. Hsu and J. H. Hadley, Jr ., Fourth International Conference on Positron Annihilation (Helsingor, Denmark, 23-26 Aug. 1976), Part 2, G.21 (pp. 88-91).

18. "Positron Annihilation in Alpha- and Beta-Cyclodextrin," F. H. Hsu, M. M. Yang, and C. C. Yang,  Appl. Phys. 15, 85 (1978).

19. "Temperature and Phase Dependence of Positron Lifetimes in Polyvinyl Chloride and Polyisoprene," F. H. Hsu, P. K. Tseng, S. Y. Chuang and Y. L. Chong, Chinese J. Phys. Vol. 16, No. 4, 196 (1978).

20. "Positron Annihilation in Irradiated Polystyrene and Polyethylene," F. H. Hsu and J. H. Hadley, Jr., Advances in Chemistry Series, No. 175: Positronium and Muonium Chemistry, ed. Hans J. Ache, American Chemical Society, 1979, pp. 125-135.

21. "Positron Annihilation in Beta-Cyclodextrin: Effects of Adsorbed Gases," J. H. Hadley, Jr., F. H. Hsu, and W. Yei, J. Chem. Phys. 70, 3702 (1979).

22. "Temperature Dependence of Positron Lifetimes in Trans- and Cis- 1,4-Polyisoprene," F. H. Hsu, P. K. Tseng, S. Y. Chuang, and Y. L. Chong, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Positron Annihilation, (Lake Yamanaka, Japan, 1979) pp. 581-584.

23. "Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectral Changes on Dehydration of Natural Beryls and Cordierites," F. H. Hsu and E. R. Vance, Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 6, 47 (1980).

24. "Effects of the V- V= Transformation on Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra in MgO," W. C. Mallard, F. H. Hsu, and E. R. Vance, Journal de Physique, C6, 501 (1980).

25. "X-ray and Positron Annihilation Studies of Radiation Damage in Natural Zircons," E. R. Vance, L. Efstathiou, and F. H. Hsu, Radiation Effects, 52, 61 (1980).

26. "Positron Annihilation in Ion Implanted Laser-annealed Silicon," F. H. Hsu and C. W. White, Laser and Electron Beam Processing of Materials, eds. C. W. White and P. C. Peercy, Academic Press, NY, 1980, pp. 461-466.

27. "Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Positron Annihilation in Mn-Cu Alloys," S. Spooner, H. R. Child, F. H. Hsu, E. R. Vance, and J. H. Smith, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 63, 31 (1981).

28. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Phase Transitions in Ferromagnetic and Antiferromagnetic Crystals," F. H. Hsu, H. S. Liu, and E. R. Vance, in Positron Annihilation, P. G. Coleman, S. C. Sharma, and L. M. Diana (eds.), North-Holland Publishing Company, 1982, pp. 719-720.

29. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Activation Effects of Substituents on Naphthalene Derivatives," F. H. Hsu, C. M. Chu, J. H. Hadley, Jr. and N. C. Yang, in Positron Annihilation, P. C. Jain, R. M. Singru, and K. P. Gopinathan (eds.), (New Delhi, India). World Scientific Publishing Co. PTE. LTD., Singapore, 1985, pp. 246-248.

30. "Analysis of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Data in a Condensed Medium," F. H. Hsu and C. S. Parengkuan, in Positron Annihilation, P. C. Jain, R. M. Singru, and K. P. Gopinathan (eds.), (New Delhi, India). World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 1985, pp. 816-818.

31. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Age-Induced changes in Animal Lenses," F. H. Hsu, B. G. Wen, J. F. R. Kuck, and N. T. Yu, Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 102, 571 (1987); and Proceedings of European Meeting on Positron Studies of Defects (March 23-27, 1987, Wernigerode, G.D.R.), vol. 1, Part 2, SL 22.

32. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Electronic Effects of Derivation of Porphin," F. H. Hsu, B. G. Wen, and N. C. Yang, Positron Annihilation Studies of Fluids, S. C. Sharma ed. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 1988, pp. 150-155.

33. "Positron Annihilation Study of Cobalt ZSM-5," F. H. Hsu, J. S. Hwang, D. C. Shieh, R. Szostak, and T. Thomas, in Positron Annihilation L. Dorikens-Vanpraet, M. Dorikens and  D. Segers (eds) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 1989, pp. 518-520.

34. "Surface Effects on Positron Annihilation Characteristics in Cab-O-Sil (SiO2)," F. H. Hsu, M. J. Shao, L. D. Hulett, T. M. Rosseel, and J. M. Dale, in Positron Annihilation, L. Dorikens-Vanpraet, M. Dorikens, and D. Segers (eds) World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 1989, pp. 840-842.

35. "Three-photon Yield of Positron Annihilation in Cab-O-Sil (SiO2)," F. H. Hsu, M. J. Shao, L. D. Hulett, T. M. Rosseel and J. M. Dale, J. of Phys.: Condens. Matter, 1, 7453 (1989).

36. "The Measurement of Phase Transformation Temperatures and Radiation Damage in Solid Propellants by Positron Annihilation," F. H. Hsu and C. T. Liu, Paper Summaries, 1990 ASNT Spring Conference (San Antonio, Texas). The American Society for NondestructiveTesting, Inc., 1990, pp. 55-57.

37. "Positron Annihilation Studies in Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-Cyclodextrins," F. H. Hsu and Y. B. Chen, Minutes, 5th International Symposium on Cyclodextrins (Paris, France) March 28-29, 1990, pp. 67-70.

38. "Positron Annihilation Lifetime Studies of Filled Polymers," F. H. Hsu, K. C. Chu and C. T. Liu, in Positron and Positronium Chemistry Y. C. Jean ed., World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 1990, pp. 47-53.

39. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Barium Titanate Ceramics," F. H. Hsu and T. K. Hou, Materials Science Forum 105-110, 655 (1992).

40. "Positron Annihilation Studies Cyclodextrin Derivatives," F. H. Hsu, H. Kung and D. W. Armstrong, Materials Science Forum 105-110, 1585 (1992).

41. "Studies of Cyclodextrin Complexes by Positron Annihilation," F. H. Hsu, J. M. Michael, L. Song and D. W. Armstrong, Journal De Physique Vol.3 297 (1993).

42. "Studies of Cyclodextrin Complex by Positron Annihilation Techniques," F. H. Hsu, L. Song and D. W. Armstrong, 7th international Cyclodextrins Symposium (Tokyo, Japan) April 25 - 28, 1994, pp. 33 - 38.

43. "Positron Annihilation Studies of Cyclodextrin Complex Formation," F. H. Hsu, L. Song and D. W. Armstrong, Materials Science Forum 175-178, 679 (1995).

44. "Temperature Dependence of Positron Annihilation Studies in b-Cyclodextrin and b-Cyclodextrin Complexes," F. H. Hsu, Y. Hu, J. H. Hadley, Jr. and T. Trinh, Materials Science Forum 255-257, 466 (1997).

45. "Rare Earth Incorporation in CaTiO3," E. R. Vance, T. Bak, J. Nowotny, N. B. Manson, S. E. French, J. H. Hadley, F. H. Hsu, Yong Hu and V. Bellitto, Ceramic Interfaces, Properties and Applications, Eds. R. St. C. Smart and J. Nowotny, (IOM Communications Ltd., London, UK) 229 (1998).

46. "Positron Trapping in Ce-doped Zirconotiles," J. H. Hadley, F. H. Hsu, Yong Hu, E. R. Vance and B. D. Begg, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 28(1) 203(1999).

47. "Temperature Dependence of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra for Polyethylene: Positron Irradiation Effects," F. H. Hsu, Y. J. Choi and J. H. Hadley, Jr., Radiation Physics and Chemistry, (2000).