Mon, Wed, Fri 12:10 --------- Physical Sciences B7
Instructor: Prof. Mark Stockman
Office: 202 Fulmer; Mon, Wed, Fri 4 to 5 pm
Phone: (509)335-4777
E-mail (current): mstockman@gsu.edu
Internet: http://www.phy-astr.gsu.edu/~phymis
Text: Francis W. Sears, Gerhard L Salinger, Thermodynamics, Kinetic
Theory, and Statistical Thermodynamics Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts,
Supplementary text: Herbert B. Callen, Thermodynamics and Introduction
to Thermostatistics , Wiley, New York, 1985
Grading Homework: 40%, Midterm exams: 30%, Final exam: 30%
Many materials (problems, their solutions, exams, etc.) are available
on line. Click on highlighted items below to obtain them. Some interactive
materials are written for Mathematica (extension .MA). These are
ASCII files with graphics in Postscript format. To normally see them and
use them for simulations, you will need to get Mathematica. However,
the formulas can bee seen by browsing through the files with Netscape or
any other browser, such as Lynx on Unix machines.
For the list of grades click here (ASCII format,
can be seen as a Document Source, go to File menue of your Netscape)
- Introduction (Chaps. 1 & 2)
- Scope of Thermodynamics. What's ahead (Overview).
- Quasistatic Processes. Walls: adiabatic vs. diathermic, resistive
vs. conductive.
- Equations of state. Extensive and intensive parameters. Equations of
state of an ideal gas. Kinetic temperature. Notion of a fundamental equation.
- Mathematical background
- Exact (perfect, or complete) differentials, e.g., dU, dV. Incomplete
(imperfect) differentials: dQ, dW.
- Volume susceptibilities: compressibility and the expansion coefficient.
Maxwell-type thermodynamic identities. Problem
1 and solution.
- First and Second Laws (Chaps. 3 and 4)
- Internal energy, heat and work. Isotherm and adiabat (isentrope). Configuration
(pressure) work, dW=-pdV.
- Conservation of energy in thermodynamics: The First Law. Some consequences
of the First Law. Problem 2 and
- Work on an ideal gas in isothermic and adiabatic processes. Work is
not a function of state, and neither is heat, but internal energy is.
- Carnot's cycle and Carnot's efficiency. Reversibility.
- The Second Law. Maximum work theorem. Equivalent formulations.
- Maximum efficiencies, measurability. Thermodynamic temperature.
- Refrigerator, heat engine, heat pump: maximum efficiencies.
- Entropy, function of state. Fundamental equation. Problem
3 and solution.
- Entropy and energy intensive parameters. Problem
4 and solution. Problem 5
and solution.
- Entropy of mixing. Problem
6 and solution.
Exam 1
- Thermodynamic potentials and their applications (Chaps. 6 and 7)
- Enthalpy, Helmholtz potential, Gibbs potential.
- Dependence on the number of molecules: chemical potential. Landau potential.
- Joule-Thomson effect. Van der Waals fluid. Inversion point and liquefaction
of gases in the "throttling" process. Problem
7 and solution.
- Maxwell relations. Thermodynamic identities. Method of Jacobians. Compilations
of experimental data: "Heat tables". Problem
8 and solution.
- Gibbs potential for a weak solution. Osmotic pressure. Problem
9 and solution.
- Phase equilibrium. Gibbs rule for the number of phases. First-order
phase transitions. Phase diagrams. Clapeyron-Clausius equation. Impossibility
of a first-order transition in a one-dimensional system. Problem
10 and solution.
- Elements of statistical mechanics (Chaps. 11 and 12)
- Notion of quantum states. Microscopic and macroscopic states. Principle
of maximum entropy. Canonical ensemble and the Gibbs distribution.
- Microscopic calculation of thermodynamic potentials. Problem11
and solution.
- Einstein and Debye heat capacities of a solid. Equilibrium photon gas,
Plank distribution, and Stefan-Boltzmann law. Inevitability of quantum
mechanics. Problem 12 and solution.
Problem 13 and solution.
- Classical ideal gas and Maxwell distribution. Fundamental equation
- Grand canonical ensemble and potential. Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac,
and Maxwell distributions. Bose Einstein condenstation and Fermi-Dirac
degeneracy. Specific heat at low temoeratures.
- Equilibrium in external fields. Boltzmann distribution.
Final exam: Tuesday, May 7, 8:00 to 10:00 am , Physical Sciences
(Webster) B7