The ongoing SUPERBLINK all-sky survey has now catalogued over 2.3 million stars with large proper motions, building the largest
and most complete database of stars in the vicinity (<200 parsecs) of the Sun. I will describe a variety of science programs that are
now being developed to make good use of this swarm of local, moving stars. These include selecting the best targets for exoplanet detection
programs. Identifying binary stars with wide separations and exploiting their many uses as calibrators and probes of star formation. Finding
young stars in the Solar Neighborhood - and perhaps solving a little mystery about some missing young red dwarfs. Using "stellar streams" to
map the dynamical structure of the Galaxy. Expanding the now woefully incomplete census of local white dwarfs, with some help from the
NASA GALEX mission. Predicting and monitoring future gravitational microlensing events. And identifying some of the oldest stars near
the Sun, to unravel the formation history of the Galaxy.