QWIP 2000 Workshop
July 27-29, 2000
Dana Point, California, USA
- Workshop Agenda -
Thursday, 27 July 2000
Friday, 28 July 2000
Saturday, 29 July 2000

Thursday, 27 July 2000

Time A# Title

IR Sensor Requirements - S.D. Gunapala, Chair

Opening Remarks:  S.D. Gunapala, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Welcome Address:  B. Wilson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
1:05PM A45 NASA Infrared Detector Requirements, T.N. Krabach, NASA
1:25PM A41 Infrared Sensors For Ballistic Missile Defense, M. M. Tidrow, W. Dyer, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
1:45PM A47 Air Force Infrared Detector Requirements, D. Hayden
2:05PM A52 Nanotechnology based Systems, L. Alkalai
2:25PM A17 Effect of Barrier Width on the Performance of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector, H. C. Liu, S.K.H. Sim*, A. Shen**, M. Gao, M. Buchanan, National Research Council, Canada, Y. Ohno and H. Ohno, Tohoku University, E. H. Li, The University of Hong Kong (with QWIP introduction at the beginning of the talk)
2:55PM A26 Development of QWIPs in France, P. Bois, E. Costard
3:15PM A3 Multi-color, Broadband Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors with Digital Graded Superlattice Barrier and Linear- Graded Barrier for Long Wavelength Applications, Jung-Hee Lee, Sheng S. Li, M. Z. Tidrow, and W. K. Liu, University of Florida, BMDO & IQE
3:35PM Break
QWIP Light Coupling Technology - S.V. Bandara, Chair
3:50PM A21 Microstrip Antenna Coupling for QWIPs, William A. Beck, U.S. Army Research, Mark S. Mirotznik, The Catholic University of America
4:10PM A30 Comparison of Performance between QWIPs with Different Two-Dimensional Random Grating Optical Couplers, Toshio Fujii, Prafulla Masalkar, Hironori Nishino, and Yoshihiro Miyamoto, Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd., Japan
4:30PM A2 Grazing Angle Intersubband Absorption in N-Doped GaAs Multiple Quantum Wells and Consequences for the Design of Lamellar Gratings on Photodetectors., E. Dupont, H. C. Liu, M. Buchanan, M. Gao, A. Shen, M. Zaluzny, S. R. Schmidt, A. Seilmeier, National Research Council, Canada, M. Curie Sklodowska University, Poland, University of Bayreuth, Germany
4:50PM A44 Wave Function Engineering Towards Normal Incidence QWIP, D. Ting, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
5:10PM A6 Direct Optical Coupling in Normal-Incident of Quantum-Well Infrared Photodetectors, W. Lu, N. Li and S.C. Shen, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, China, Y. Fu and M. Willander, Chalmers University of Technology and Univ. of Gothenberg, Sweden
5:30PM A7 GaAs/InGaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector with a Cutoff Wavelength at 35 m m, A. G. U. Perera, S. G. Matsik, Georgia State University, H. C. Liu, M. Gao, M. Buchanan, National Research Council, Canada, W. J. Schaff, W. Yeo, Cornell University
5:50PM A27 Carbon Nanotube Arrays as an Emerging IR Base Material, Jimmy Xu
6:15PM Reception

Friday, 28 July 2000

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Time A# Title

FPA Technology - T.N. Krabach, Chair

8:00AM A42 QWIP Focal Plane Array Technology Development at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, S. D. Gunapala - Jet Propulsion Laboratory
8:20AM A40 10 years of QWIP Development at the Fraunhofer IAF, H. Schneider, P. Koidl, M. Walther, J. Fleißner, R. Rehm, E. Diwo, K. Schwarz, and G. Weimann, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Festkörperphysik, Tullastrasse 72, D-79108 Freiburg, Germany
8:40AM A28 Two-Color QWIP FPAs, M. Sundaram, A. Reisinger, M. Taylor, R. Williams, C. Cooke, M. Winn, S. Wang, and J. Ahearn, Sanders, A Lockheed-Martin Co.
9:00AM A1 Laboratory and Field Imaging Test Results on Single-color and Dual-band QWIP Focal Plane Arrays, Arnold Goldberg, Theodore Fischer, and Stephen Kennerly, U.S. Army Research Laboratory
9:20AM A16 Dual Band Quantum Well Photodetectors for Visible/Near-Infrared and Middle Infrared Spectra, H.C. Liu, C.Y. Song, A. Shen, M. Gao, Z.R. Wasilewski, M. Buchanan E. Dupont, P.J. Poole, P.H. Wilson, National Research Council, Canada, B. J. Robinson, D. A. Thompson, MacMaster University, Canada
9:40AM A24 Polarization Sensitive QWIP Thermal Imager, Daniel W. Beekman and James Van Anda, Army Research Laboratory and Digital Imaging Infrared, Inc.
10:00AM A39 Development and Production of QWIP Focal Plane Arrays at ACREO, B. Hirschauer, J. Alverbro, J. Andersson, J. Borglind, A. Bustamente, Z. Fakoor-Biniaz, U. Halldin, P. Helander, Y. Lindberg-Eriksson, H. Malm, H. Martijn, C. Nordahl, O. Öberg, ACREO AB, Electrum 236, S - 16440 Kista, SWEDEN
10:20AM Break
Applications of QWIP - P.D. LeVan, Chair
10:35AM A35 The Application of Large Format, Broadband QWIP Arrays to Spatially Modulated Prism Interferometers, Francis Reininger, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
10:55AM A19 Heterodyne QWIP Receiver Applications in Thermonuclear Fusion Research, R. K. Richards and D. P. Hutchinson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
11:15AM A31 Applications of GaAs QWIPs at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Murzy Jhabvala, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
11:35AM A46 Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors for Astronomy, M. Ressler, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
11:55AM A48 QWIP FPA in STRV-1d mission, J. Kenny
12:15PM A49 A Monolithic LWIR/NIR Multi–Spectral QWIP for Night Vision and See-Spot Applications, Noam Cohen, A. Zussman and G. Sarusi, ELOP Electrooptics Industries LTD Israel
12:35PM Lunch Break (Lunch is provided)
Commercialization of QWIP - H. Schneider, Chair
2:00PM A5 Polarization Dependence of Plasma Resonance Effects in Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors, S.E. Schacham1, E. Finkman2, V. Immer2, G. Bahir2, S. Maimon2, F.H. Julien3, M. Gendry4, and J. Brault4, 1College of Judea and Samaria, 2Technion, 3Univervite Paris-XI, ,4 Ecole Centrale de Lyon
2:20PM A32 Commercialization of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector (QWIP) Focal Plane Arrays, C. A. Kukkonen, R. Chehayeb, M. Kaufmann, J. K. Liu, S. B. Rafol, S. D. Gunapala, QWIP Technologies and Jet Propulsion Laboratory
2:40PM A34 Production of QWIP Wafers by Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Amy W. K. Liu, Joel M. Fastenau, Dmitri Loubychev,, Xiao-Ming Fang, Thomas R. Stewart and Troy Yurasits, IQE Inc.
3:00PM A50 Optimized Readout Multiplexers for QWIPs, Indigo Systems Inc.
3:20PM A38 QWIP Detectors, and other Factors, in the Reemergence of IR Technology in Medical Imaging Applications, M. Fauci
3:40PM Break
Device Physics/Lowbackground & New Device Concepts - E. Finkman, Chair
3:55PM A9 Time-Dependent Effects in QWIPs In Low Temperature, Low Background Conditions, D. A. Cardimona, A. Singh, D. Huang, C. Morath, and P. Varangis, Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL/VSSS, Kirtland
4:15PM A22 Characteristics of QWIPs at Low Background, K. K. Choi, S. W. Kennerly, U. S. Army Research Laboratory, J. Yao, D. C. Tsui, Princeton University
4:35PM A43 QWIPs for Low Background Applications, S. V. Bandara, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4:55PM A37 A Detailed Study of Non-Uniform Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors , S. Y. Wanga, Y. C. Chinb, and C. P. Leeb, Academia Sinica, National Chiao Tung University
5:15PM A25 An Infrared Superlattice Photodetector used in Temperature Sensing, M. C. Hsu, C. C. Chen, S. Y. Wang and C. H. Kuan, National Taiwan University
5:35PM A33 Tuning of Detection Wavelength of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors by Quantum Well Intermixing, L. Fu, H. H. Tan, and C. Jagadish, The Australian National University, Canberra, Na Li, Ning Li, Xingquan Liu, Wei Lu, and S.C. Shen, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, People’s Republic of China
5:55PM A14 Space Charge Spectroscopy of Integrated Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector-Light Emitting Diode, M. Ershov, A. G. U. Perera, B. Yaldiz, and S. Matsik, Georgia State University, H. C. Liu, Z. R. Wasilewski, and M. Buchanan, NRC, Canada
6:30PM Conference Dinner
8:00PM Panel Discussion - G. Sarusi

Saturday, 29 July 2000

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Time A# Title

Device Physics/New Materials - H.C. Liu, Chair

8:00AM A20 Development of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors at the Center for Quantum Devices, M. Razeghi,a M. Erdtmann,a C. Jelen,a J. Diaz,a F. Guastavinos,a G. J. Brown,b and Y. S. Parkc, aNorthwestern University, bWright Patterson AFB, cOffice of Naval Research
8:20AM A29 Photoluminescence Studies of Beryllium Doped GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells, S. M. Hegde*, G. J. Brown, F. Szmulowicz* and J. Ehret, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB
8:40AM A10 Strained Layer InGaAs/InP QWIP Extending Operating Wavelength Range, Y. Guskov, G. Bahir, E. Finkman, and D. Ritter, Technion , Israel
9:00AM A4 Periodic Electric-Field and Charge Domains in Multiple Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors, V. Ryzhii, M. Ryzhii, University of Aizu, Japan
9:20AM A15 Transient Photocurrent Overshoot in Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors, M. Ershov, A. G. U. Perera, V. Letov, and S. Matsik, Georgia State University
9:40AM A11 Noise Gain vs. Capture Probability for Single QWIP at Low Bias Voltages, A. Carbone and P. Mazzetti, Unita` del Politecnico di Torino, Italy
10:00AM Break
Quantum Dots - K.K. Choi, Chair
10:15AM A23 Theoretical Modeling of Dark Current and Photo-Response for Quantum Well and Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors, Yia-Chung Chang and David M.-T. Kuo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
10:35AM A53 III-V Based Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors (Qdips) Focal Plane Arrays , Elias Thowe, University of Virginia
10:55AM A36 Infrared Spectroscopy of Self-Organized InAs/InAlAs Nanostructures for Infrared Photodetection Applications., F. H. Julien and F. Fossard, Universite Paris-Sud, E. Péronne and A. Alexandrou, ENSTA - Ecole Polytechnique - UMR 763 CNRS, J. Brault and M. Gendry, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, UMR 5512 CNRS
11:05AM A12 Quantum-Confined Impurities as Single-Electron Quantum Dots: Potential use in Mid-and Far-Infrared QWIPs, Paul Harrison, Matthew Halsall, and Nkaepe Etteh, University of Leeds, UMIST, U. K
11:25AM A18 Advanced Quantum Well Systems for Multi-Color Infrared Detection, J. W. Little, R. P. Leavitt, A. C. Goldberg, S. W. Kennerly, and P. M. Amirtharaj, Army Research Laboratory
11:55AM A8 Lateral Broadband MIR-Photodetector with Ge Quantum Dots in Si, Christian Miesner, Karl Brunner, and Gerhard Abstreiter, Universitat Munchen.
12:15PM A13 High-Gain Quantum-Dot Infrared Photodetector, V. Mitin1, V. Pipa1, A. Sergeev1, M. Dutta2 and M. Stroscio2, 1Wayne State University, 2U.S. ARO
12:35PM A51 High Performance InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Infrared Photodetectors with AlGaAs Current Blocking Layer, S. Y. Wanga, H. W. Wub, S. D. Linb and C. P. Leeb, aAcademia Sinica, bNational Chiao Tung University
12:55PM End of conference - Lunch is provided
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