QWIP 2000 Workshop
Registration form

July 27 - 29, 2000

First Name    Last Name 
Address 1 
Address 2
City    State/Province
Postal Code Country   
E-mail address  
Office phone Office fax

Would you like to present your paper at the workshop?       Yes      No

Media Requirements:
Overhead Projector (Transparencies)   Other (specify):
Meal requirements:
  Yes, I will attend the luncheon on July 28
  Yes, I will attend the dinner on July 28
  Yes, I will attend the luncheon on July 29
  Yes, I would like to bring a guest to the dinner (additional cost of $40)


Note:  This form will be submitted to a different server (mems.jpl.nasa.gov) from the one you are connected to now.  Once you receive confirmation, the 'BACK' button will return you to the main conference page.

Registration checks must be in US funds, made payable to Caltech.  Credit cards, purchase orders, foreign checks or foreign currency will not be accepted for registration.  Fees: $250 (postmarked on or before June 30th); $300 (postmarked after June 30th).  You may also pay the registration fee ($300) on site -- in cash or USD check (US funds).

**Foreign participants who register prior to June 30th may pay the early registration fee on site.**

Please mail your registration and check to:

Pat McLane
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
4800 Oak Grove Drive,  M/S 241-209
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 USA