To Head Coaches:
Messages to be added
- Minors in the Lab Consent and Release Form<< /li>
- Rules forMinors and Visitors in Research Laboratories and Vivarium Facilities Form
- Medical Form
- Agreement-Waiver
Science Olympiad Written Protocols
Guest Visitation: Visitors to the campus will follow Georgia State University guidlines, policies, and procedures. Any visiting minors must be accompanied by an adult with supervisory responsibilities for that minor and follow the regulations for minors on campus .
Check-in & Check-out Procedures: Each team coach(es) and/or parents/legal guardian will be responsible for all team members (including, but not limited to, coaches, support staff, volunteers, students) during their time on campus. There are no check in or check out regulations for arriving and leaving campus. There is a check in location for the team when they arrive to compete at the Science Olympiad event so that we know you have arrived (see posted schedule for location).
Inclement Weather: Severe weather and other reasons may cause the college to close unexpectedly. Check the Georgia State University website regularly for updates and to see when the University will reopen. Please ensure you have signed up for Panther Alerts. This will give you updates to your email, phone, etc. when the college closes or other situations arise. In the case of inclement weather, we will follow Georgia State University official closing dates and times. If the College is officially closed, then the event will be cancelled if an alternative Saturday cannot be arranged.
Emergency Notification Procedure: Emergency notifications from Georgia State University are sent out through Panther Alerts. Please ensure you have signed up for Panther Alerts. This will give you updates to your email, phone, etc. when the college closes or other situations arise.
Injury or Illness: Injuries or illness that occur on campus or are carried on to campus (the injury or illness was present before the person stepped on to campus) will follow the guidelines, policies, and procedures of Georgia State University and will be reported to Georgia State University Public Safety. A determination of what to do next will be done by Public Safety, Tel: (404)413-3333 or 911. All incidents should be reported Georgia State University Insurance and Risk Management, (404-413-9550) for any injury or illness involving a minor on camps.
Code of Conduct: Visitors to the Georgia State University Science Olympiad will be considered as “students” under the wording for the Georgia State University Code of Conduct. This does not mean that visitors have been enrolled or are actual students at Georgia State University. It only means that code of conduct policies that apply to students will be applied to visitors.
The Georgia State University Student Code of Conduct contains policies and procedures to both promote the university mission and protect the rights of students, faculty, and staff. Students are obligated to be knowledgeable of and to comply with the university's rules, policies and procedures. Students are also individually responsible for understanding and exercising their rights, fulfilling their obligations and respecting the rights of others. The Student Code of Conduct articulates the types of actions that infringe upon the campus' climate of civility and the academic integrity of the university. An overarching philosophy of the student conduct process is to provide students with the opportunity to reflect upon their actions and take responsibility for the outcomes of their life and to develop ethical approaches to their decision-making process. A copy of the most current Student Code of Conduct may be accessed online. For more information, visit the Dean of Students office in Student Center East, Suite 303, or call 404-413-1515.
Reporting & Responding to Misconduct: Any misconduct will be reported through the official Georgia State University guidelines, policies, and procedures. For suspected cases of suspected child maltreatment, Program Directors will call 1-855-GA-CHILD (1-855-422-4453) immediately to make a report of suspected child maltreatment (the law requires a report within 24 hours.) Program Directors will also inform the Office of Safety and Risk Management.
Reporting a Student Code of Conduct Violation: General Conduct Policies and Procedures . Members of the university community who believe a student violation of the Student Code of Conduct has occurred should submit an Incident Report to the Dean of Students office located in Student Center East, Suite 303. The complaint must state sufficient facts, including specific name(s), date(s), location(s) and description(s) of the alleged act(s) of misconduct to enable the Dean of Students to decide whether further fact finding is necessary.
Reporting a Sexual Misconduct Policy Violation: University and Law enforcement Reporting. Georgia State University is committed to providing a safe learning environment that supports the dignity of all members of the university community. The university strongly encourages members of the university community to promptly report instances of sexual misconduct. All reported instances of sexual misconduct shall be reviewed and responded to promptly, thoroughly and impartially. The university will not tolerate sexual misconduct and will take necessary steps to end sexual misconduct. This policy describes the actions that will be taken in instances of alleged sexual misconduct by students. The Sexual Misconduct Policy is contained within the Student Code of Conduct.
Reporting incidents of Sexual Misconduct: Sexual misconduct by members of the university community should be immediately reported to one of Georgia State University's Title IX coordinators as described below: Sexual misconduct by students should be reported to the Dean of Students, Dean of Students office, Student Center East, Suite 303, 404-413-1515. Sexual misconduct by faculty or staff should be reported to the Assistant Vice President of Human Resources, Office of Opportunity Development and Diversity Education Planning (ODDEP), 1 Park Place South, Suite 527, 404-413-2567.